Please enjoy my thoughts on the common Clairs below.
To feel clearly
Signs you may be Clairsentience
1. You Feel the Energy of Places, Buildings, and Rooms
2. You are a “Highly Sensitive Person”
3. Stories, Art, and Performances Bring You To Tears
4. You Can Tell When Somebody is Upset (Even if They Are Hiding It)
5. You’re Extremely Intuitive
6. The News is Emotionally Overwhelming
7. Crowds and Parties Drain You
8. Your Memories Always Feel Extremely Vivid and Real
9. You are an empath
Clairsentience is the ability to feel deeply. Psychics with clairsentience experience emotions and energies in and around their bodies. It's often mistaken for "gut instinct" or a sense of knowing without understanding the source of the information. Many clairsentients have honed their ability to perceive the spirit world. It's crucial to set aside personal beliefs and ego to receive clear information regarding clairsentience.
Individuals with a natural inclination towards clairsentience typically use a similar language. They might say, "Do you understand my feelings?" or "I need to sit with my feelings." These individuals are tactile communicators, often using their hands and touching others while speaking.
There are three very distinctive ways to use or be clairsentience.
The first way is in the physical form. People who can sense things physically can feel things with their body. For example, I could feel the different layers of an aura from the body. Another example is picking up an item such as hairbrush and then getting a sense of knowing something that's connected to that hairbrush. A physical touch needs to take place.
The second way is through your mind. This can be confusing when you first hear, examples will give you clarity. When I listen to the radio (news) and hear a very sad story, I could picture what is going on in that situation and then I could sense the emotion or the pain that is taking place at that very moment. Another example is watching the news and having a feeling of sorrow, sadness or complete happiness and joy. The point is all of this is processed through your mind. Since I have become a psychic, it is difficult for me to watch the news without feeling, having complete connection with the people that I'm watching. I can easily cry when I am watching the news. I believe most people have a sense clairsentience but tend to cover it up or shut it down because we don't want to feel stupid in front of other people. I remember feeling embarrassed with just the thought that my husband might see me cry during a movie, the news or even a TV commercial. I would do would ever I could to make sure he does not see that I'm an emotional basket case. This was hard for me because I can fall into that a motion so strong that it is hard to control. There is a connection with your soul and what is going on in the news anywhere around the world do you feel you have a connection and that you have a strong desire to help.
The third way of being clairsentience is through spirit. This is when you're able to sense things around you that you cannot physically see on earth. An example of this is the ability to feel a presence around when you see that you are absolutely alone physically. I travel a good bit for work and when I go into a hotel, I sometimes pick up other energy pockets and spirits who are what I call earthbound souls. At first, I just simply said “you have your space and I have mine” and will be okay. Now I have no fear of communicating with earthbound spirits or even angels or people on the other side wanting to communicate.
I have a very good example of this very specific sense. I was in Savannah Georgia several years ago and I visited one of the very famous cemeteries. As I was walking through the cemetery admiring the beautiful gardens and reading the tombstones, I noticed that I was drawn to one particular tombstone. As I got closer, I had a feeling of sorrow as a mother would have burying her child. I tried to read the tombstone, but it was so old it was practically unreadable. As I knelt down to get a closer look I felt as though I was reliving the act of that mother who was burying her daughter in the cemetery. It was an overwhelming flood of emotion of sorrow, but it wasn't just from one person, it was a sorrow of many people. I didn't quite understand what was going on at the time, but I did later discover what it was. Just like so many others before me people would walk in the cemetery, look at the gravestone, see a little girls name and THINK about how she lived for a very short time and then they IMAGEND what it would be like to bury your child. At first, I thought it was the actual sensation of the spirit of the little girl but then I realized it had nothing to do with this little girl as she is way past that part of her journey. What I felt was the hundreds of emotional dumps that people before me walked to the gravestone, thought about this little girl that they don't know and had an extremely strong sense of an emotion, sorrow as any parent would. I later call this the hot spots. When you have a high of emotion with many people feeling the same sense and one particular area, this becomes a “hot spot” to Clairsentience.
An example of a positive emotional hotspot would be a commonly used wedding chapel. If you walk into a wedding chapel you might feel the sense of love, joy and happiness. You cannot help but to be happy and to think of lovely, beautiful things. On the same note when I visited New York City where the towers were destroyed, I had an immense feeling of sorrow and agony.
Someone who is Clairsentience has a very hard time in large groups as you often pick up emotions from other people. If you are forced to be in a large group you probably choose to sit by the back door or on the side of the group so you can find a way out if you need to. Sometimes people will call us claustrophobic. If I get in a crowded elevator, it is very likely for me to pick up emotions or thoughts from other people within that elevator.
Another sign that you might be Clairsentience is if you feel hot and cold spots throughout the day. It's very similar to the sensation of being in a lake and you feel a warm spot as you swim to the lake and then sometimes you feel a cold spot. While the reasoning for this is simply a spring, it’s very similar sensation to someone who is Clairsentience.
Do you feel a cold shiver for no reason, especially when you know you're not cold?
Do you turn and look behind you when you send somebody walked in a large room?
Do you sometimes feel the presence of an angel near you?
Do you often mimic strong emotions from other people near you?
Do you avoid malls or areas where there are a lot of people?
Do you get up to answer the phone before it rings?
Do you sometimes feel the earth just moved a few inches underneath you?
These are signs that you might be a strong Clairsentience.
To feel clearly
Signs you may be Clairsentience
1. You Feel the Energy of Places, Buildings, and Rooms
2. You are a “Highly Sensitive Person”
3. Stories, Art, and Performances Bring You To Tears
4. You Can Tell When Somebody is Upset (Even if They Are Hiding It)
5. You’re Extremely Intuitive
6. The News is Emotionally Overwhelming
7. Crowds and Parties Drain You
8. Your Memories Always Feel Extremely Vivid and Real
9. You are an empath
Clairsentience is the ability to feel deeply. Psychics with clairsentience experience emotions and energies in and around their bodies. It's often mistaken for "gut instinct" or a sense of knowing without understanding the source of the information. Many clairsentients have honed their ability to perceive the spirit world. It's crucial to set aside personal beliefs and ego to receive clear information regarding clairsentience.
Individuals with a natural inclination towards clairsentience typically use a similar language. They might say, "Do you understand my feelings?" or "I need to sit with my feelings." These individuals are tactile communicators, often using their hands and touching others while speaking.
There are three very distinctive ways to use or be clairsentience.
The first way is in the physical form. People who can sense things physically can feel things with their body. For example, I could feel the different layers of an aura from the body. Another example is picking up an item such as hairbrush and then getting a sense of knowing something that's connected to that hairbrush. A physical touch needs to take place.
The second way is through your mind. This can be confusing when you first hear, examples will give you clarity. When I listen to the radio (news) and hear a very sad story, I could picture what is going on in that situation and then I could sense the emotion or the pain that is taking place at that very moment. Another example is watching the news and having a feeling of sorrow, sadness or complete happiness and joy. The point is all of this is processed through your mind. Since I have become a psychic, it is difficult for me to watch the news without feeling, having complete connection with the people that I'm watching. I can easily cry when I am watching the news. I believe most people have a sense clairsentience but tend to cover it up or shut it down because we don't want to feel stupid in front of other people. I remember feeling embarrassed with just the thought that my husband might see me cry during a movie, the news or even a TV commercial. I would do would ever I could to make sure he does not see that I'm an emotional basket case. This was hard for me because I can fall into that a motion so strong that it is hard to control. There is a connection with your soul and what is going on in the news anywhere around the world do you feel you have a connection and that you have a strong desire to help.
The third way of being clairsentience is through spirit. This is when you're able to sense things around you that you cannot physically see on earth. An example of this is the ability to feel a presence around when you see that you are absolutely alone physically. I travel a good bit for work and when I go into a hotel, I sometimes pick up other energy pockets and spirits who are what I call earthbound souls. At first, I just simply said “you have your space and I have mine” and will be okay. Now I have no fear of communicating with earthbound spirits or even angels or people on the other side wanting to communicate.
I have a very good example of this very specific sense. I was in Savannah Georgia several years ago and I visited one of the very famous cemeteries. As I was walking through the cemetery admiring the beautiful gardens and reading the tombstones, I noticed that I was drawn to one particular tombstone. As I got closer, I had a feeling of sorrow as a mother would have burying her child. I tried to read the tombstone, but it was so old it was practically unreadable. As I knelt down to get a closer look I felt as though I was reliving the act of that mother who was burying her daughter in the cemetery. It was an overwhelming flood of emotion of sorrow, but it wasn't just from one person, it was a sorrow of many people. I didn't quite understand what was going on at the time, but I did later discover what it was. Just like so many others before me people would walk in the cemetery, look at the gravestone, see a little girls name and THINK about how she lived for a very short time and then they IMAGEND what it would be like to bury your child. At first, I thought it was the actual sensation of the spirit of the little girl but then I realized it had nothing to do with this little girl as she is way past that part of her journey. What I felt was the hundreds of emotional dumps that people before me walked to the gravestone, thought about this little girl that they don't know and had an extremely strong sense of an emotion, sorrow as any parent would. I later call this the hot spots. When you have a high of emotion with many people feeling the same sense and one particular area, this becomes a “hot spot” to Clairsentience.
An example of a positive emotional hotspot would be a commonly used wedding chapel. If you walk into a wedding chapel you might feel the sense of love, joy and happiness. You cannot help but to be happy and to think of lovely, beautiful things. On the same note when I visited New York City where the towers were destroyed, I had an immense feeling of sorrow and agony.
Someone who is Clairsentience has a very hard time in large groups as you often pick up emotions from other people. If you are forced to be in a large group you probably choose to sit by the back door or on the side of the group so you can find a way out if you need to. Sometimes people will call us claustrophobic. If I get in a crowded elevator, it is very likely for me to pick up emotions or thoughts from other people within that elevator.
Another sign that you might be Clairsentience is if you feel hot and cold spots throughout the day. It's very similar to the sensation of being in a lake and you feel a warm spot as you swim to the lake and then sometimes you feel a cold spot. While the reasoning for this is simply a spring, it’s very similar sensation to someone who is Clairsentience.
Do you feel a cold shiver for no reason, especially when you know you're not cold?
Do you turn and look behind you when you send somebody walked in a large room?
Do you sometimes feel the presence of an angel near you?
Do you often mimic strong emotions from other people near you?
Do you avoid malls or areas where there are a lot of people?
Do you get up to answer the phone before it rings?
Do you sometimes feel the earth just moved a few inches underneath you?
These are signs that you might be a strong Clairsentience.
To hear clearly
Signs you may be Clairaudient
This is one sense that I had to build strength and grow as it wasn't something that came natural to me.
My best friend is a natural auditory person. She can hear something one time and have it forever, and for me I will need to be told several times for me to understand. However, if you just showed me a picture, I got it forever.
People who are natural auditory learners tend to say things very similar to “can you hear what I'm saying are you listening to me?” The same people often answer their own question if they only speak it out loud.
As a psychic medium being auditory is very helpful with getting clarity on answers.
I have one very good example of clear auditory. I was driving down the road listening to music and looking at the cars around me. Nothing out of the usual for me as I travel quite a bit. I traveled the same road, often I stop at the same gas station and restaurant. Creatures of habit. As I entered back on the interstate I noticed the cars around me and made a note of the color of the vehicles. It was beautiful champagne Toyota Corolla that was easily spotted. I also noticed a white station wagon with ladders on top of it. It looked like it was a painter's work vehicle. I remember thinking to myself why would they not use a van, why is it a station wagon? I wonder if they can get all of their equipment in that car. Then I noticed a semi- truck with a blue logo with a circle on the back of the truck. As I'm driving down the road listening to music and thinking about my day, all of a sudden I heard something shout in my ear. "Pull over!!!" So without thinking any different I did exactly what I heard and I pulled over to the next exit, that happen to be right in front of me. It scared me it was so loud but I continue to drive down the road pull over and I got something else to drink. As I was pulling out of the drive through of McDonald's to get back on the interstate, I noticed tons of emergency vehicle lights. You guessed it; there was a major car accident right past that exit. All three vehicles were involved and it was an extremely bad accident. If I didn't listen to the voice that screamed at me I would have been in that accident and probably dead. I'm sure you also had an experience like that. You heard something and you followed instructions, you later found out it was the right thing to do.
Some of the things I’ve experienced as I was growing spiritually as hearing spirit. I would often hear ringing in my ears, random. I began to journal when I felt pressure or ringing in my ears. I noticed what was happening at the time. Was I listening to someone, maybe something that Spirit did not want me to hear? Maybe I needed to pay attention to what was about to be said. I have to confess it was hard in the beginning because I was learning how to listen for the first time, spiritually.
My ears would pop often, which was new to me.
I noticed that when I traveled a certain road, I would feel the sensation of my ears ringing, but it was different that the ringing I heard with people. I noticed every time I would pass a place in the road, it would feel the same every time.
Now when my ears start to ring, I listen. It could be my spirit guide getting my attention, or it could be to pay attention to what is happening now.
Sometimes it’s that little voice in your head that could very well be your angel talking to you.
How I use clairaudient in my readings
As a psychic medium, I hear from my guides, the sitter’s guides, or from the loved one who is in the room with us. Depending on the strength of the spirit (lots of different levels of energy depends on a number of things…) I can repeat word from word what the spirit is saying or I get “snap shots” of what they are saying.
Sometimes I speak out loud to the spirit so the person sitting across from me knows I’ve made contact. I may stop the sitter (person receiving a reading) from speaking because when spirits are speaking; I need to pay attention to them. I have limited time with the spirits so I hope the sitter understands I must interrupt them at times to gain clarity from the other side.
To hear clearly
Signs you may be Clairaudient
- You are a skeptic
- Detailed oriented
- Drawn to the color orange
- Perfectionist
- Day dream
- Talk to yourself
- Enjoys quite time
- Likes control-works better alone
- Often no filter
This is one sense that I had to build strength and grow as it wasn't something that came natural to me.
My best friend is a natural auditory person. She can hear something one time and have it forever, and for me I will need to be told several times for me to understand. However, if you just showed me a picture, I got it forever.
People who are natural auditory learners tend to say things very similar to “can you hear what I'm saying are you listening to me?” The same people often answer their own question if they only speak it out loud.
As a psychic medium being auditory is very helpful with getting clarity on answers.
I have one very good example of clear auditory. I was driving down the road listening to music and looking at the cars around me. Nothing out of the usual for me as I travel quite a bit. I traveled the same road, often I stop at the same gas station and restaurant. Creatures of habit. As I entered back on the interstate I noticed the cars around me and made a note of the color of the vehicles. It was beautiful champagne Toyota Corolla that was easily spotted. I also noticed a white station wagon with ladders on top of it. It looked like it was a painter's work vehicle. I remember thinking to myself why would they not use a van, why is it a station wagon? I wonder if they can get all of their equipment in that car. Then I noticed a semi- truck with a blue logo with a circle on the back of the truck. As I'm driving down the road listening to music and thinking about my day, all of a sudden I heard something shout in my ear. "Pull over!!!" So without thinking any different I did exactly what I heard and I pulled over to the next exit, that happen to be right in front of me. It scared me it was so loud but I continue to drive down the road pull over and I got something else to drink. As I was pulling out of the drive through of McDonald's to get back on the interstate, I noticed tons of emergency vehicle lights. You guessed it; there was a major car accident right past that exit. All three vehicles were involved and it was an extremely bad accident. If I didn't listen to the voice that screamed at me I would have been in that accident and probably dead. I'm sure you also had an experience like that. You heard something and you followed instructions, you later found out it was the right thing to do.
Some of the things I’ve experienced as I was growing spiritually as hearing spirit. I would often hear ringing in my ears, random. I began to journal when I felt pressure or ringing in my ears. I noticed what was happening at the time. Was I listening to someone, maybe something that Spirit did not want me to hear? Maybe I needed to pay attention to what was about to be said. I have to confess it was hard in the beginning because I was learning how to listen for the first time, spiritually.
My ears would pop often, which was new to me.
I noticed that when I traveled a certain road, I would feel the sensation of my ears ringing, but it was different that the ringing I heard with people. I noticed every time I would pass a place in the road, it would feel the same every time.
Now when my ears start to ring, I listen. It could be my spirit guide getting my attention, or it could be to pay attention to what is happening now.
Sometimes it’s that little voice in your head that could very well be your angel talking to you.
How I use clairaudient in my readings
As a psychic medium, I hear from my guides, the sitter’s guides, or from the loved one who is in the room with us. Depending on the strength of the spirit (lots of different levels of energy depends on a number of things…) I can repeat word from word what the spirit is saying or I get “snap shots” of what they are saying.
Sometimes I speak out loud to the spirit so the person sitting across from me knows I’ve made contact. I may stop the sitter (person receiving a reading) from speaking because when spirits are speaking; I need to pay attention to them. I have limited time with the spirits so I hope the sitter understands I must interrupt them at times to gain clarity from the other side.
Clear knowing
Signs you may be Claircognizant
1. You Pick Up New Skills Incredibly Quickly.
2. You Have Sudden Bursts of Insight or Inspiration.
3. You Excel at Schoolwork, Tests, and Exams.
4. You Can Easily Predict The End of Movies and Books.
5. You Always Know Who Is About to Call Before Your Phone Rings.
6. You Always Win Guessing Games and Gambling.
7. You Are An Amazing Decision Maker
Claircognizance is the psychic ability to intuitively know things without a logical basis. Individuals with claircognizance may experience visions, hear voices, and sense spirits. This ability is seen as an innate gift rather than a skill that can be learned, and it is believed to be possessed by certain individuals who can refine it through practice and patience. As a Psychic Medium with extensive experience, I have come to view it as a gift that requires awakening.
The term "claircognizance" means "clear knowing," and it functions independently of one's emotions. Claircognizant people receive logical, factual insights that are separate from their feelings. From my observations, claircognizance and clairsentience are nearly opposites. Usually, a person will first experience either an intuitive feeling or knowing, with the other sensation following shortly. Clairvoyance typically develops first among the "clairs," with Claircognizance being focused on thereafter.
Many are keen to develop this ability, but it is wise to postpone focusing on Claircognizance until there is a solid understanding of one's Chakras. The ego can interfere, making it difficult to determine if the information is truly received or simply desired. Caution is recommended.
To see clearly
Signs you may be Clairvoyant
The first sense and the most common sense is called Clairvoyance, the ability to see. There are three different ways you can spiritually.
You can see with your eyes open, with your eyes closed and through your third eye. You can see through one way to or all three ways it depends on you.
I see in all three ways. The first way I saw was with my eyes open. I would see the energy moving between objects, I could see auras around people especially when people are talking to each other. I also see orbs; which are small circles floating in the air, typically of white, off-white or sometimes they're different colors. Each color will have different meanings.
I have a swimming pool and I would sit out by the pool right at dusk, right when the sun went down but it was still light outside. I would just gaze over the pool and look at the water and relax. I soon began to see sparkling lights floating everywhere around the pool and it started to move in any direction randomly. I just pushed it off as I'm tired or I'm seeing stars and I did not take it seriously. As I started to become more open spiritually I started to notice twinkling lights more often moving everywhere in all different directions, sometimes extremely strong and sometimes barely noticeable.
The next thing I started to notice was color around the silhouette of people. At first I discounted it as just my eyes playing tricks on me but then I soon realized that what I started to see was the beginning of auras. It is the electric field around every human life form. To me it's another way of seeing energy. The first colors I often saw around people silhouettes were white, blue and green. It was about an inch or 2 inches off the body. After many months of seeing this and identifying it could very well be an aura, I would test my eyes to see what else I would see. Once I saw an aura around somebody with my eyes open, then I started to close my eyes and see what appeared. Two things were distinctively presence very time I close my eyes. The first color I saw was the inside of the silhouette of the person. Then I would look at outside the silhouette. This is important to understand because this is two totally different things that you are seen with your eyes closed. For example I looked at a person who was wearing a red shirt and blue jeans. Once I started to physically see their aura around them with my eyes open, I slowly close my eyes and relax. The first thing I would always see if the opposite color of what the dominant color that person was wearing. I saw a red shirt with my eyes open so therefore when my eyes closed I saw green where the shirt was red. This is a complementary color and it's what our eyes do naturally. This is not an aura. For me it's easier to read auras if someone has muted color clothes so I'm not distracted with the complementary color that will show up automatically when I close my eyes.
The second thing I would see as I relax my eyes and keep them clothes is the aura field starts to appear. You need to remember that before I close my eyes, I identified the physical aura around them with my eyes open so when I close my eyes the energy is still there, it's that I'm shifting what I see through my third eye. The aura is something that moves constantly and it could change colors throughout the day. It is three-dimensional. It is not a perfect like shape I saw in many books about auras. It's actually far from a perfect shape. One side of the aura what could be brighter in color than the other, and one side could be a different color than the other. It is not a perfect color rainbow or all the same size and density as we see sometimes in books. The challenge with trying to see auras with your eyes closed is obviously what the person who's standing in front of you sees. I did not want to tell anybody what I was doing, so you got understand how funny it could've been for the person I was talking with. When I close my eyes for more than a second to try read their aura without them knowing was very hard. Seeing auras with your eyes open is very light and transparence, but when you close your eyes after you see your aura with your eyes open it becomes extremely intense and much brighter and easier to see. At least that's the case for me you could be different.
In the beginning, I had no idea of what I was seeing so I went to the eye doctor. He ran all kinds of tests, and my eyes are fine. I explained to the doctor what I see, and he could only explain the complementary color I see when I close my eyes (red shirt with eyes open, green shirt when eyes are closed). Everything else he had no idea.
The third way to see through clairvoyance is through your third eye. This is from one of your chakras that's located on your four head slightly above the center, between your two physical eyes. Seeing through your third eye is very different for everybody but there are some common things that you can look forward to see if you are naturally someone who has a strong third eye. For me, one thing that I would consistently see is when I lay down at night was a flood of color rolling up in front of me. You have to make sure you don't look at a light right before you turn it off because that could be your complementary color because the light bulb is yellow and the opposite of the yellow is violet, which is the color of your third eye. You need to dim the lights and get your eyes adjusted. Then lie down, relax and then slowly close your eyes. Don't try to think about seeing color just relax and see what you see. Whatever color is dominated in your chakras would most likely appear. For example; my third eye is very dominant so it's no wonder that I see violet, then blue, and then green. Green is the color of my heart chakra and blue is the color of my throat chakra. I am strongest in my top three air chakras. The colors I have a hard time seeing red, orange and yellow, which is no surprise since that is not the strength that I have.
People who see-through their third I generally sees pictures in their head. Sometimes they see a picture of a person who is coming through from the other side in a reading. Sometimes it could be a picture of a location, a home, a place that during a reading the spirit guides are trying to explain or show you something to explain to the sitter. For example; in one of my readings I kept on seeing a picture of a checker board with the red and black checkers. When I was explaining this to the person I was reading she didn't quite understand. I know I was seen this checkers game for reason so as I sat with spirit I did get clarity. It may not be the physical board game that was the message, but it represented something different for the sitter. I shared that it may not be the game, but what does it mean to the sitter? The sitter then had a big “ah-ha”. It was the hockey team named Checkers, which I had no clue it was a hockey team. Her husband who had passed away was planning to take his family to a Checkers game the night before he had died. The husband was trying to tell his family to go see the checkers game. This is the way to celebrate life instead of mourning his death.
The point of me sharing this information with you is for you to find out what you see how you see and what interpretation you get from spirit who's working with you. I have a friend who sees auras clearly and every color she sees represents a very specific meaning. I may not have the clarity or the understanding of what the colors mean because that's something that I am not drawn to. What I am strong with is when I do see colors around people it's telling me to stop and pay attention.
How do I know that I could be a strong clairvoyance?
The first thing to look at it, see what's the easiest way that you communicate to others. For example; if you say to somebody “can you see what I'm talking about?” Or “picture this” and explain what you're trying to describe. You might speak the language that you are naturally gravitate to, so think about what you say to other people.
Take a look around your home. Do you have a lot of color? Do you often paint your walls? Now take a look at your closet. Do you see a lot of color and different patterns? Or do you see more of mutated neutral colors? If you have complete control of what you wear what colors do you gravitate to?
Have you been told that you have a photogenic memory?
Can you paint, draw or re-create anything you see?
These are all signs that you might be more of a visual person and that you might be able to strengthen your spiritual gifts of Clairvoyance.
My visual ability has grown a great deal. I can now see shifts within the worlds, angels of many kind, spirit guides, earth bound souls, and past lives in action. If I were to see these things in the beginning, I think I would have committed myself. Everything has a reason. Don’t get too pushing to see things that others see. Learn to see what you are supposed to see. All in good time.
Clear knowing
Signs you may be Claircognizant
1. You Pick Up New Skills Incredibly Quickly.
2. You Have Sudden Bursts of Insight or Inspiration.
3. You Excel at Schoolwork, Tests, and Exams.
4. You Can Easily Predict The End of Movies and Books.
5. You Always Know Who Is About to Call Before Your Phone Rings.
6. You Always Win Guessing Games and Gambling.
7. You Are An Amazing Decision Maker
Claircognizance is the psychic ability to intuitively know things without a logical basis. Individuals with claircognizance may experience visions, hear voices, and sense spirits. This ability is seen as an innate gift rather than a skill that can be learned, and it is believed to be possessed by certain individuals who can refine it through practice and patience. As a Psychic Medium with extensive experience, I have come to view it as a gift that requires awakening.
The term "claircognizance" means "clear knowing," and it functions independently of one's emotions. Claircognizant people receive logical, factual insights that are separate from their feelings. From my observations, claircognizance and clairsentience are nearly opposites. Usually, a person will first experience either an intuitive feeling or knowing, with the other sensation following shortly. Clairvoyance typically develops first among the "clairs," with Claircognizance being focused on thereafter.
Many are keen to develop this ability, but it is wise to postpone focusing on Claircognizance until there is a solid understanding of one's Chakras. The ego can interfere, making it difficult to determine if the information is truly received or simply desired. Caution is recommended.
To see clearly
Signs you may be Clairvoyant
- Like to be alone, to recharge
- Crowds are overwhelming
- Zone out and daydream
- Lots of dreams
- Easily fall into a trance
- Eyes are sensitive
- See shadows and light
The first sense and the most common sense is called Clairvoyance, the ability to see. There are three different ways you can spiritually.
You can see with your eyes open, with your eyes closed and through your third eye. You can see through one way to or all three ways it depends on you.
I see in all three ways. The first way I saw was with my eyes open. I would see the energy moving between objects, I could see auras around people especially when people are talking to each other. I also see orbs; which are small circles floating in the air, typically of white, off-white or sometimes they're different colors. Each color will have different meanings.
I have a swimming pool and I would sit out by the pool right at dusk, right when the sun went down but it was still light outside. I would just gaze over the pool and look at the water and relax. I soon began to see sparkling lights floating everywhere around the pool and it started to move in any direction randomly. I just pushed it off as I'm tired or I'm seeing stars and I did not take it seriously. As I started to become more open spiritually I started to notice twinkling lights more often moving everywhere in all different directions, sometimes extremely strong and sometimes barely noticeable.
The next thing I started to notice was color around the silhouette of people. At first I discounted it as just my eyes playing tricks on me but then I soon realized that what I started to see was the beginning of auras. It is the electric field around every human life form. To me it's another way of seeing energy. The first colors I often saw around people silhouettes were white, blue and green. It was about an inch or 2 inches off the body. After many months of seeing this and identifying it could very well be an aura, I would test my eyes to see what else I would see. Once I saw an aura around somebody with my eyes open, then I started to close my eyes and see what appeared. Two things were distinctively presence very time I close my eyes. The first color I saw was the inside of the silhouette of the person. Then I would look at outside the silhouette. This is important to understand because this is two totally different things that you are seen with your eyes closed. For example I looked at a person who was wearing a red shirt and blue jeans. Once I started to physically see their aura around them with my eyes open, I slowly close my eyes and relax. The first thing I would always see if the opposite color of what the dominant color that person was wearing. I saw a red shirt with my eyes open so therefore when my eyes closed I saw green where the shirt was red. This is a complementary color and it's what our eyes do naturally. This is not an aura. For me it's easier to read auras if someone has muted color clothes so I'm not distracted with the complementary color that will show up automatically when I close my eyes.
The second thing I would see as I relax my eyes and keep them clothes is the aura field starts to appear. You need to remember that before I close my eyes, I identified the physical aura around them with my eyes open so when I close my eyes the energy is still there, it's that I'm shifting what I see through my third eye. The aura is something that moves constantly and it could change colors throughout the day. It is three-dimensional. It is not a perfect like shape I saw in many books about auras. It's actually far from a perfect shape. One side of the aura what could be brighter in color than the other, and one side could be a different color than the other. It is not a perfect color rainbow or all the same size and density as we see sometimes in books. The challenge with trying to see auras with your eyes closed is obviously what the person who's standing in front of you sees. I did not want to tell anybody what I was doing, so you got understand how funny it could've been for the person I was talking with. When I close my eyes for more than a second to try read their aura without them knowing was very hard. Seeing auras with your eyes open is very light and transparence, but when you close your eyes after you see your aura with your eyes open it becomes extremely intense and much brighter and easier to see. At least that's the case for me you could be different.
In the beginning, I had no idea of what I was seeing so I went to the eye doctor. He ran all kinds of tests, and my eyes are fine. I explained to the doctor what I see, and he could only explain the complementary color I see when I close my eyes (red shirt with eyes open, green shirt when eyes are closed). Everything else he had no idea.
The third way to see through clairvoyance is through your third eye. This is from one of your chakras that's located on your four head slightly above the center, between your two physical eyes. Seeing through your third eye is very different for everybody but there are some common things that you can look forward to see if you are naturally someone who has a strong third eye. For me, one thing that I would consistently see is when I lay down at night was a flood of color rolling up in front of me. You have to make sure you don't look at a light right before you turn it off because that could be your complementary color because the light bulb is yellow and the opposite of the yellow is violet, which is the color of your third eye. You need to dim the lights and get your eyes adjusted. Then lie down, relax and then slowly close your eyes. Don't try to think about seeing color just relax and see what you see. Whatever color is dominated in your chakras would most likely appear. For example; my third eye is very dominant so it's no wonder that I see violet, then blue, and then green. Green is the color of my heart chakra and blue is the color of my throat chakra. I am strongest in my top three air chakras. The colors I have a hard time seeing red, orange and yellow, which is no surprise since that is not the strength that I have.
People who see-through their third I generally sees pictures in their head. Sometimes they see a picture of a person who is coming through from the other side in a reading. Sometimes it could be a picture of a location, a home, a place that during a reading the spirit guides are trying to explain or show you something to explain to the sitter. For example; in one of my readings I kept on seeing a picture of a checker board with the red and black checkers. When I was explaining this to the person I was reading she didn't quite understand. I know I was seen this checkers game for reason so as I sat with spirit I did get clarity. It may not be the physical board game that was the message, but it represented something different for the sitter. I shared that it may not be the game, but what does it mean to the sitter? The sitter then had a big “ah-ha”. It was the hockey team named Checkers, which I had no clue it was a hockey team. Her husband who had passed away was planning to take his family to a Checkers game the night before he had died. The husband was trying to tell his family to go see the checkers game. This is the way to celebrate life instead of mourning his death.
The point of me sharing this information with you is for you to find out what you see how you see and what interpretation you get from spirit who's working with you. I have a friend who sees auras clearly and every color she sees represents a very specific meaning. I may not have the clarity or the understanding of what the colors mean because that's something that I am not drawn to. What I am strong with is when I do see colors around people it's telling me to stop and pay attention.
How do I know that I could be a strong clairvoyance?
The first thing to look at it, see what's the easiest way that you communicate to others. For example; if you say to somebody “can you see what I'm talking about?” Or “picture this” and explain what you're trying to describe. You might speak the language that you are naturally gravitate to, so think about what you say to other people.
Take a look around your home. Do you have a lot of color? Do you often paint your walls? Now take a look at your closet. Do you see a lot of color and different patterns? Or do you see more of mutated neutral colors? If you have complete control of what you wear what colors do you gravitate to?
Have you been told that you have a photogenic memory?
Can you paint, draw or re-create anything you see?
These are all signs that you might be more of a visual person and that you might be able to strengthen your spiritual gifts of Clairvoyance.
My visual ability has grown a great deal. I can now see shifts within the worlds, angels of many kind, spirit guides, earth bound souls, and past lives in action. If I were to see these things in the beginning, I think I would have committed myself. Everything has a reason. Don’t get too pushing to see things that others see. Learn to see what you are supposed to see. All in good time.